Elkhorn Slough – Moss Landing

Elkhorn Slough – Moss Landing

Elkhorn Slough
The King Tide (+7 feet) coincided with a spectacular full moon, flooding the salt water marsh just north of Monterey, CA. We were able to get much closer to wildlife than usual, and were surrounded by friendly sea otters and wary seals. Banks of kerlews lined the edges of the water and formations of pelicans punctuated the sky.

Liam, Anet, Jane, Becky

Photographer Trey Steinhart paddled with us both days. Because he takes the pictures, he rarely appears in them. I took this photo of him, but he took the next few following.

kayak Trey Steinhart

Kayak sail

Liam sailing back – photo by Trey

Curlew Flock Elkhorn Slough

Curlew Flock – photo by Trey

photo by Trey

We got an early start on our first day, Monday, and it was quite chilly. The Petaluma Paddle Pushers set out in two waves: some about 30 minutes before us, and the rest about 15 minutes before us.


The King Tide flooded areas that were normally dry. Here Jane hugs a “State Patrolled Hunting Area” sign.

Elkhorn Slough

Our Leader, Jane

This submerged bridge is not passable, even in dry weather.

Submerged Bridge

We had a great lunch at nearby Phil’s Fish Market. Luckily, Trey knew how to get there.

Trey, Becky, Lori, Jane, Liam with the Inflatable Snowmen

We were lucky enough to get a table right on the beach, with an admiring audience of hungry sea gulls.

Phil's Fish House

Liam, Lori, Becky, Trey, Jane

Had a great two-day paddle, enjoyed our stay at the Lone Oak Lodge and our hunt for a Thai restaurant one night, and an Italian restaurant another. So much fun!


One Response »

  1. Lucky you! King tide no rain. I have wanted to paddle that slough for years, never have, so I enjoyed your post about it. Linda

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